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9th September 2010

The ZQ-770 is a PDA that was manufactured by Sharp during the 2000’s. While it is not a powerful machine, it perhaps paved some of the way for modern day smartphones such as the iPhone and Android devices, with its expansive SDK (Standard development kit) and ability to write applications in C, Basic and Z80 assembler it allowed for powerful programs to be written by developers and downloaded onto the device.

I invested a lot of time at one stage writing applications for the device, and even publishing them on the website: My ZQ-770 is now safely stored in the loft, although I managed to get hold of an emulator for the device which allows you download and run the .wzd files avaliable from You can download the emulator here, you can download a section of my favourite applications in a zip file here and you can even download the C SDK here. Enjoy!